New Pew Forum Poll Highlights Shifting Opinions on Salvation
Just before the end of 2008 the Pew Forum released its latest findings on the question of how American Christians view the possibility of members of other faith traditions attaining eternal life. The numbers are striking and suggest a growing trend toward Christian exclusivity. In the 2008 study 29% of

“Too Liberal” for the NAE, Cizik Resigns as Spokesperson
National Public Radio (NPR) listeners are generally more liberal than the American population at large, so when they tuned in to the December 2 edition of “Fresh Air” they were likely not shocked to hear a defense of environmentalism, President-elect Obama, and civil unions for same-sex couples. But many members

Bush is Leaving, But Obama Pledges to Keep the Faith
Before the terrorist attacks of 9/11 changed the course of world events and the administration of George W. Bush, it looked like his focus as President was going to be on making his Faith-based Initiative a reality, despite considerable opposition from Democrats and other groups dedicated to keeping religion and

A New Episcopal Church Emerges
For decades American Episcopalians have made fun of themselves, referring to themselves as “God’s frozen people.” They are frozen no longer. In the wake the ordination of an openly gay bishop in New Hampshire conservative Episcopalians in the U.S. have been generating considerable heat. They have protested, prayed, and threatened

Obama Feels Pressure from Religious Americans: End U.S. Torture
Newly empowered with the knowledge that they helped bring about an Obama victory and strengthen the Democratic Party’s position in both houses of Congress, the Christian Left and other progressive religious groups are urging President-Elect Obama to put an end to the U.S. use of torture and detentions without trial.

Unpredictable Evangelical Voters Confound Pollsters and Pundits
With less than two weeks to go before Election Day, observers of the American political process, who pay particular attention to religious voters, are stymied. Some polls suggest that Evangelical voters are poised to follow recent trends and support the GOP and Senator McCain, while others, including a recent Pew

Conservative Evangelicals Brace for Loss of National Political Influence
After almost eight years of having a close friend in the White House and in many House and Senate seats, Conservative Evangelicals are bracing themselves for tougher times ahead. Democrats seem poised to take substantial majorities in both houses of Congress as well as gaining many Governor’s offices causing some

Historic Palin Candidacy Poses Problems for Biblical Literalists
Republicans argue that Governor Palin was chosen as a running mate because she is the perfect outsider to help Senator McCain clean up Washington. Democrats suggest that her pick was designed to lure away working class whites and women who voted for Senator Clinton in the primaries. Despite the controversy

Too Risqué for Public Display: Gospel Today Magazine Treated Like Pornography in Christian Bookstore
Cigarettes and Pornography no longer monopolize the “behind the counter” display. Lifeway Christian Bookstores, an affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention, recently pulled copies of the magazine Gospel Today, a publication dedicated to urban ministry and African-American Christians. The magazine was taken off public display and held behind the checkout

The Late Falwell’s Liberty University Works to Effect Voter Turnout in Virginia
It is going to be a close one in Virginia. As Senators Obama and McCain work overtime to win votes in tossup states like Ohio, Michigan, and Virginia, some conservative Evangelical leaders are making plans to shift votes out of determinately red and blue states and into the important battlegrounds.

Religious Electoral Divisions are Shifting in Canada
Canadian voting habits and party loyalties are often confusing for observers from the United States. Liberals, Conservatives, National Democrats, Greens, and Bloc Quebecois all compete for votes and work to shape the Canadian agenda. Quebec, as one of the larger provinces, has considerable influence but is also linguistically and culturally

Creationism Goes Global: Actually it’s Always Been Global
You might be excused for thinking that the creationism movement is largely a product of American religious and political discourse. The Scopes trial, current debates about science education, and even the debate about global warming in American public discourse all register to some degree or another the influence of American

Alliance Defense Fund works to Legalize Pulpit Endorsements
When he was running against President Carter in 1980, then candidate Reagan stood before a group of Evangelical leaders at The Religious Roundtable’s National Affairs Briefing and uttered the famous line, “I know you can’t endorse me, but I endorse you.” At that moment he galvanized evangelical support and went

Jim Wallis Chairs the First Faith Caucus Meeting at the DNC Convention
Democratic candidates have long suffered from a “God gap” on Election Day, but now that they have a candidate dedicated to bringing more people of faith into the party, they are holding meetings especially for them. At the first ever meeting of the Democratic Faith Caucus, Rev. Jim Wallis moderated
When Narrative Identities Clash: Liberals versus Evangelicals
By Wesley Wildman, “Culture Wars, Seminary Styles, Congregational Politics.” If there is one thing North American Christians at the beginning of the twenty-first century think they understand, it is the divide between liberal and evangelical in the church. Polarized ecclesiastical publications tell their stories from the left or from the