Who’s In and Who’s Out: Evangelicals at the Democratic Convention
There might be a real line between appearing at a political convention and endorsing the candidate it nominates, but for Cameron Strang it is too fine of a line for him to risk crossing. Originally scheduled to offer a benediction, Strang has pulled out citing concerns that his prayer might

Both Bases Worry as the Status Quo on Abortion Shifts
For at least two decades, single issue voters who mark their ballots exclusively on the issue of abortion have had an easy decision to make. The Democratic brand has come to represent the pro-choice position, while the Republican brand has come to stand for the pro-life position. Only on the
Obama, McCain and Pastor Warren Call National Attention to Faith
Sen. Obama confessed to struggling with drugs and alcohol as a teenager, mourned the fact that America has not always followed the biblical mandate to protect the poor, and suggested that being pro-choice did not amount to being pro-abortion. Sen. McCain shared a story of silent worship with one of

Two Candidates, One Pulpit
For their first joint appearance of the campaign, John McCain and Barak Obama will appear together on the platform at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California for the Saddleback Civil Forum on National Leadership. Both candidates will be interviewed independently by Pastor Rick Warren, author of A Purpose Driven Life

Tennessee UUA Church Attacked Because of Liberal Views
On July 27 during the performance of a children’s play Jim Adkisson burst into the sanctuary of the local UUA church in Jackson Tennessee and opened fire with a shotgun. He killed 2 people and seriously wounded 2 others. A note left by the gunman implicated the UUA congregation in

Lieberman Courts Evangelicals and Meets with “Christian Moses”
Rejected but not forgotten by Sen. McCain, pastor John Hegee of Christians United for Israel sat in the audience while Sen. Joseph Lieberman, former Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate and current ally of Sen. John McCain, heaped praise on Hegee and his organization. For those unfamiliar with the narrative of Christian dispensationalism,
Liberty Counsel Declaration of Values Claims to Speak for All the People
In a recently released “Declaration of American Values” purposefully designed to imitate the “Declaration of Independence” the Liberty Counsel outlined and pledged to support 10 central values and to back candidates who promise to do the same. Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel suggested that the “Declaration” was an “obvious” endorsement
Sympathy and Understanding for Conservatives
I joke with my wife that during my youth and college days I kept moving so far to the right that I woke up one day on the left. I’m not the first person to undergo this strange metamorphosis and there may be very good reasons for it. However, before
A Sad Lack of Responsibility in the Florida Panhandle
But Lord, I was only exercising my constitutional rights. I’m surprised by how little attention a recent event has gotten in the American press. It seems that the Florida “pastor” who had been threatening to burn the Koran, did so. It also appears that the mainline press did the responsible
FREEDOM!!! Braveheart Comes to the Middle East
As I drove to work this morning I listened to an NPR retrespective on the history of US relations with Gaddafi over the years. I was most struck by some of the comments made by Presidents Reagan and Carter – Carter called him a skunk! In the eyes of America
An Untimely Response
Several months ago a visitor to LiberalEvangelical.org posted the following comment. I intended to respond, but the holidays got in the way and then world events interfered, and before I knew it, almost one third of a year had passed. Well, I think it’s time. On October 7, 2010 a
Am I my brother’s keeper?
We try here at LiberalEvangelical.org to avoid knee-jerk reactions. So often our immediate impulse, when faced with shocking events, is simply to lash out in an emotional and habitual manner. We strive to avoid this kind of impulsive action, though I’m sure we sometimes fail. All of us sometimes fail.
Unlikely Headline of 2011: “2011, The Year of the Moderate”
Like many of you I had a little extra time this past month. I listened to some new podcasts and radio shows and TV news shows as I shopped for gifts and did some home improvements. What struck me as I encountered nearly a dozen “year end round up” type

Did Mary and Joseph ever have to put him in “Time Out”?
My boy doesn’t like Mark or John primarily because he doesn’t like how they begin. There are no birth narratives! Luke may be doubly exciting since we hear about both John the Baptist and Jesus as babies – twice the fun! Think for a moment about this odd fact. 50%

GREAT NEWS LIBERALS! DEMOCRATS WON in a landslide! Small print disclaimer to follow…
If we only counted the youth vote (read: the potential votes of those who didn’t come to the polls this past election day), the Democrats would have laid a solid whoopin’ on the Republicans. Oh, but that’s a big “if.” The data is as frightening as it is clear. Young