The New Atheist Churches: Three readings
The Phenomenon No, it’s not a contradiction in terms. Church for Atheists is a growing movement, primarily in the Anglo world, but with the potential to spread rapidly especially in the West. I first heard about these folks in a Canadian edition of the Presbyterian Record where they earned a
Thank God for that/for we are “not all like that,”
A hardy October hello from up here in the soon to be frozen north. In Canada – just to inform my American readers – Thanksgiving is celebrated about six weeks earlier than it is in the USA. For us, this means that we have a nice little break each year

Evangelism isn’t what it used to be, in fact it never was what it used to be!
Part II of the Proselytism Series Religions aren’t products that are exported, and converts aren’t customers or consumers. I think/hope that even the most jaded television evangelists and Billy Sunday style preachers would agree with me on this. I also assume that the self-selecting group of LE.org readers share my

Why you should consistently pay attention to The Pew Forum Religion News
Part I of Proselytism Series The link is on our main menu. I consistently point my World Religion students in this direction when they question the importance of pouring their time and effort into studying a phenomenon – human religiosity – that seems to them a mere vestige of the
Old Fights Die Hard
If you’re a fan of George Will you probably don’t come to LiberalEvangelical.org expecting to find fellow sympathetic readers of your favorite Washington Times columnist. Will is one of the more respected conservative voices in Washington, a regular on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, as well as a famously curmudgeonly

Stop “The War on Boxing Day”
Honestly, the most enjoyable part of writing this occasional blog is coming up with the headlines. I get a chance to make bad puns and employ some acerbic word play. There is of course no war on Boxing Day, any more than there is a war on Christmas or Easter

Evangelicals could learn a few lessons from Paul
I’m beginning to wonder how long we’ll ever go in this country without an evangelical leader making some controversial remark or getting in trouble for something controversial they said in the past. A few months ago, it was Pat Robertson (right) and his explanation of what caused the earthquake in
LE Research
Part of the challenge of liberal-evangelical Christianity is that the population is under-served. The noisy extremes have plenty of resources but radical moderates and their creatively inclusive, Christ-centered congregations do not. Everything from worship resources to Church School curricula are problematic. You only need to browse what is on offer
LE Resources
Public Resources LiberalEvangelical.org contains rich resources to help progressive Christians understand their faith location and its ethical and political consequences. Public resources include: LE Commentary, editorial reflections from leading liberal-evangelicals in the progressive Christian movement, “Le Blog”, the output of the vivid and bizarre imagination of Brandon Daniel-Hughes, PhD, a liberal-evangelical
LE News
LiberalEvangelical.org believes in keeping up to date and broadening our horizons. So our publisher and his minions are constantly scouring the news for important and intriguing items to bring to you. We aim to be simply the the best one-stop source for news that is most relevant to Christian moderates with both
LE Community
When you register on LiberalEvangelical.org, you gain access to a community of progressive Christians with liberal and evangelical instincts and a passionate commitment to Christ-centered radical inclusiveness, to a love that transcends ideological and theological divisions. That community is ready to help you and ready to learn from you. Do

Hot off the press!
Found in the Middle!: Theology and Ethics for Christians Who are both Liberal and Evangelical by Wesley J. Wildman & Stephen Chapin Garner In Lost in the Middle? Wesley J. Wildman and Stephen Chapin Garner articulated a moderate form of Christian faith that makes sense for many moderate Christians with

Poor Economy Force$ Churche$ to Rethink Prioritie$
As in previous economic downturns, churches are facing a classic conundrum. When the economy worsens, more people turn to religious charities, food programs, and church outreach centers, while at the same time, tithe paying congregants are forced to tighten their belts and purse strings. What to do? Churches across the

Out with the Old, In with the New? Not Quite…Obama Preserves Faith-based Office
The new administration of President Obama announced this week that they will be keeping and expanding on the office of faith-based initiatives begun under President George W. Bush. The renamed office – it’s now called The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships – will continue to work closely

Two New Ministers Tapped for Roles in Obama Inaugural
Several prominent ministers played important roles in the 2008 Presidential election, but as the Obama team prepares to take office on January 20 some lesser known church leaders are preparing for a moment in the spotlight. The selection of Pastor Rick Warren to offer the invocation has already caused headlines