When you register on LiberalEvangelical.org, you gain access to a community of progressive Christians with liberal and evangelical instincts and a passionate commitment to Christ-centered radical inclusiveness, to a love that transcends ideological and theological divisions. That community is ready to help you and ready to learn from you.
Do you have a question?
It is likely that your question is discussed in LE Commentary or on Le Blog. The issue may be addressed in LE Resources. Or you can always raise it on LE Forum.
Do you want to share your thoughts?
You can post comments on any of the public article postings. Members can also post your own reflections and stories on LE Forum and respond to the contributions of others.
Do you want to join in?
If you want to offer resources that you have found helpful, such as educational material, worship resources, sermon preparation tools, or editorial commentaries, contact the LiberalEvangelical.org editor about your contribution.