This election year debates over how best to address global warming and how to reduce carbon emissions with minimal economic pain are common, but the mainstream media and candidates have largely acknowledge that something must be done. Nevertheless, a vocal minority continues to crusade against the very idea that humanity might effect the environment on a large scale, and frequently these crusaders are Christians who use pulpits and sermons to pass on their message.
In a recent article the Orlando Sentinel highlights the work and travels of Dr. Grady McMurtry of Creation Worldview Ministries. McMurtry travels the country delivering seminars at churches and on campuses, seminars that suggest that creation is impervious to large scale change by humans. McMurtry’s larger message centers around avoiding the misdirection and scare tactics inherent in the rhetoric of misguided scientists who urge immediate action to reverse the effects of global warming. Creation, McMrutry argues, naturally warms and cools in lengthy cycles, so global environmental action is an unnecessary distraction.
Ten years ago McMurtry would have been very much in the mainstream of conservative evangelicalism in his rejection of global warming as a conspiracy cooked up by environmentalists. Today, however, his efforts to debunk global warming science meet with harsh criticism and concerted action by many of his fellow evangelicals. Several evangelical groups have emerged in recent years to give voice to evangelical concern about the environment, but The Ausable Institute of Environmental Studies is of particular interest. The Ausable Institute offers scientific curricula and seminars with a Christian message that emphasize both the reality of environmental degradation and the need for Christian stewardship of creation. It has also become a place where like minded Christians and scientists can discuss the environmental challenges that face us and ways for churches to respond effectively.
Visit The Ausable Institute to learn more about their educational programs.