aims to empower Christians who see themselves as radical moderates and to offer resources to Christian congregations who intend to be both Christ-centered and creatively inclusive. These Christians and congregations have both liberal and evangelical instincts, they find polarized political and religious debates alienating, and they are inspired by Jesus’ own example of radical inclusiveness and by his preaching of a love that transcends ideological and theological divisions.

Who are we?

We are people who answer to the liberal-evangelical description. We furnish on this site the kinds of resources that we ourselves find helpful and think are lacking elsewhere. We are egg-head intellectuals who have written on this topic and conduct research to deepen our knowledge of liberal-evangelical Christians and congregations. We are also practically minded church people who want to support moderate Christians and congregations. You can read more about us below. You are welcome to contact us with suggestions, comments, questions, news items, and article ideas.


Part of the challenge of liberal-evangelical Christianity is that the population is under-served. The noisy extremes have plenty of resources but radical moderates and their creatively inclusive, Christ-centered congregations do not. Everything from worship resources to Church School curricula are problematic. You only need to browse what is on offer at most Christian bookstores to grasp what we mean.

To make a difference in this area requires research. We need to know more about what liberal-evangelical Christians and their congregations most need. Then we can assemble the resources needed to have an impact on the problem. Thus, the Liberal-Evangelical Project team invites registered members to participate in surveys. We are not referring to the quick-and-dirty font-page polls featured in the public area of this site, but to more elaborate surveys that help us understand our members and their needs.

The Liberal-Evangelical Project is also interested in what makes moderates tick. How did they get the way they are and why do they find the rhetorical and ideological extremes so unattractive? From time to time we will offer our members the opportunity to particpate in surveys designed to help understand the way you think and feel about your religious beliefs, behaviors, and experiences.

Our previous research experience suggests that we can often learn a great deal about others by asking them, rather than by simply assuming we already know how they work and what they want. For too long, people have not been talking to liberal-evangelical Christians in this respectful way. We aim to turn a new page and give you a voice in the process. To learn more about what we are up to, visit

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