Educational Resources

Youth Ministry 101
Brandon Daniel-Hughes
December 23, 2020
This resource provides a framework for youth leaders to use in organizing group meetings. Purposefully left rather generic, the framework can easily be adapted to
Free Resource: Radical Christian Ethics (Target High School)
Brandon Daniel-Hughes
December 23, 2020
Throughout history, the Bible has enabled a vast multiplicity of perspectives to engage its rich narrative content and colorful storytelling. Ripe for interpretation, this text

A Reflection on Sacred Ritual
Brice Tennant
December 3, 2020
As the Christmas season approaches, it is easy to become entangled in the thorny briar patch of a thousand to-dos. “I’ve got to find the
Participate in a Survey! Do Religious Conservatives and Religious Liberals Think Differently?
Aimee Radom
December 2, 2020
In the United States, the terms “conservative” and “liberal” are often employed categorically to distinguish two groups of people based upon ideological differences in several
Other Links
- Sojourners Sermon Preparation Resrouces “With “Preaching the Word,” every month you’ll receive the best biblical commentary available from more than 30 years of Sojourners – including exclusive access to articles previously unavailable online.”
- Congregational Resource Guide From the Website’s Mission Statement “An effort of the Alban Institute in consultation with the Indianapolis Center for Congregations and other specialists, the Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) exists to help congregational leaders connect with resources that will enable them to face challenges and foster vitality in their communities of faith.”
- The Hartford Institute for Religion Research “Hartford Seminary’s Hartford Institute for Religion Research has a thirty-two year record of rigorous, policy-relevant research, anticipation of emerging issues and commitment to the creative dissemination of learning. This record has earned the Institute an international reputation as an important bridge between the scholarly community and the practice of faith.”
- ARDA–Association of Religion Data Archives The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) collects and publishes data on religious membership, beleifs, and practices and brings together data from governmental, academic, and church sources. They strive “to democratize access to the best data on religion” in the United States.
- Faith and Wisdom “Faith and Wisdom is a cooperative project of seven North American Christian denominations. Its purpose is to serve leaders in church and society by assembing information about the best learning opportunities available. Seminaries, colleges, lifelong learning centers, retreat centers and para-church organizations throughout the world offer these learning opportunities.”
- Resources for American Christianity “This web site seeks to assist leaders and participants in Christian communities, scholars and other interested publics in better understanding the impact, trends and trajectories of Christianity in American society.” The site focues on projects supported by the Lilly Endowment Inc.
- Transforming Church offers a wide range of articles [click “resource toolbox”] designed to help Christian leaders reorient their congregations and ministries for twenty-first century discipleship. The site boasts a variety of contributors and is oriented toward the “emergening” and “transformational” church paradigms.
- Massachusetts Bible Society Locating reliable progressive online resources for studying the Bible can be very difficult. Fortunately, the 200 year old Massachusetts Bible Society has developed and organized many helpful tools. They offer resources from tips on how to select the right translation for you to an opportunity to pose questions about the Bible to world renowned biblical scholars.
- The Bible Workbench The Bible Workbench is a weekly resource for adult study groups and preachers. The scholars and editors work each week to explain, contextualize, and then apply the Bible in a way that makes it relevant for contemporary Christians. This is a great tool for anyone working to take the Bible seriously without subscribing to biblical literalism.
- Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy “Formed in January 2002 with a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Research Foundation of the State University of New York,” the Roundtable on Religion and and Social Welfare Policy works to encourage discussion about and deepen knowledge of current events involving social welfare policy in the United States. They are an excellent source of both information and informed commentary.
- Liberals Like Jesus This site “is designed to help those who recognize how liberal Jesus of Nazareth really was and offers insights on many of the controversial issues of our day in accordance with that view of Jesus.”
- The Progressive Christian Witness “The Progressive Christian Witness: A Ministry of Pacific School of Religion is a Web-based resource that aims to strengthen the voices of progressive Christianity in the public square by publishing theologically grounded articles for laypeople and pastors on significant issues in American life.”
- The Institute for Global Engagement “The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) promotes sustainable environments for religious freedom worldwide. As a faith-based organization, IGE believes firmly in universal human dignity and is committed to the protection of all faiths through the rule of law.”
- Cross Left “Cross Left: balancing the Christian voice” is the political activism arm of the Institute for Progressive Christianity. They are a self-described “strategy clearing-house and central hub for grassroots activism among progressive Christians.”
- The Center for Progressive Christianity The Center for Progressive Christianity is dedicated to providing resources and information to Christians who understand the fight for justice, tolerance, and peace as a key component of Christian evangelism. They offer an extensive array of resources and news items.
- Liberal Evangelicals on Facebook While not related to, another Liberal Evangelical organization has established a presence on They host discussions and provide an easy way to keep in touch.
- Not All Like That A collection of moving testimonies from LGBT affirming Christians designed to prove that not, “we’re not all like that.”
- Religion and Ethics News Weekly This is the companion website to the weekly program on PBS that offers informed and balanced reporting and commentary on religious happenings and ethical developments around the world.
- The On Being Project A nonprofit media and public life initiative creating ongoing content that explores the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, community, poetry, and the arts.