Boston University theology student Elizabeth Keyes has produced an excellent introduction to youth ministry. Her guide contains valuable insights on how a youth leader should organize a group and run meetings effectively. Keyes even includes several good games to run with energetic teenagers. She includes a sample schedule for a youth group meeting, and explains why this particular arrangement is effective.
The second part of this guide contains several Ideas on how to conduct worship with youth in a way that is more directly applicable to them than the typical Sunday morning service. Keyes’s approach encourages a more personal and conversational style of worship, which lets the youth share their own experiences and opinions on the topics under discussion. Keyes also includes some good lessons and scripture passages that are particularly relevant to young people.
This guide will provide valuable new insights to many youth leaders, particularly those in liberal-evangelical congregational settings. It might also help aspiring youth ministers to decide whether or not youth ministry is a good fit for them.
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